Tuesday, March 11, 2025

We Found A WW2 Treasure

The Indianapolis Public Library has a surplus Book Sale every other month, 
and we often find some good additions to our library there.
In February we found this rare treasure.
The author, Leo M. Litz, was  a WW2 correspondent of the Indianapolis News, 
and his assignment was to travel throughout the Pacific Theater 
and interview Hoosier soldiers and sailors. 
The result was many newspaper articles and this book.
If you had Indiana relatives from Pearl Harbor to Tokyo, 
you should take a look here. And there are lots of illustrations!


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Need IndyStar Digitized To Date?

 [We received the following publicity release from the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library.]

                                                                Good news!

We were able to add to the library's subscription of the Indianapolis Star

Historical Newspapers database.  

We now offer the Indianapolis Star newspapers (digitized and text) from

1903 - current.


Those with a valid Plainfield library card can access this resource remotely. 

Everyone else can come visit the Indiana Room and use the database

by way of the library computers or with your laptop.

 Reann Poray, Manager-Indiana Room

[We don't know of any other library who has the IndyStar up to date and available for research. 

Might be a good thing to check out for your family.]


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Need Indy WW2 Assistance

Patte Owings brought in this WW2 photo recently. It is just identified as "836th AAFSD."
We don't know what that abbreviation stands for;
we don't know the building (maybe a Marion County college?); 
we don't know the exact year.
One of the officers in the front row may be Col. Frank Hills.
Anyone have any more info about this unit and photo??


Monday, March 3, 2025

Patte Owings Donation

Last Wednesday our regular volunteer Patte Owings 
brought in this great collection of Ben Davis High School "Keyhole" yearbooks. 
They are from 1936 to 1942, and we did not have any of them before this.
She also added [top left] a great railway directory that will enhance our railroad collection.
Come in and take a look at these new items.
(In addition, Patte brought in and scanned a major collection of school class photos,
 which will be up on our website in the next week. 
Thanks, Patte. It don't get no better than this!!)