Monday, January 27, 2025

Calling All Indy Songbirds


   Dear Marion County Historians, I am Reta Williams of the School Song Project.  For a little over a year, I have trying to find and preserve the Indiana high school fight songs of schools that were closed or consolidated.  I have a list of 718 schools and 551 songs.  My daughter created a website for me and here is the link to it.

   I am starting to finalize the project so I can compile a book with the information I have found.  Marion County has been a unique county to research.  The IPS high schools that have closed or reorganized since the 60’s and 70’s have been relatively easy to find the songs.  The only song I need is Northwest Space Pioneers.

   The group of schools that I am struggling to get information are the schools not in IPS in around the 1940’s and before.  From the list that I have the schools are these: Acton Redbirds, Castleton Comets, Lawrence Lions, New Augusta Red Devils, New Bethel (Wanamaker) Red Devils, Oaklandon Oaks, Valley Mills Comets, and West Newton Tigers. 

Is there a body of research or preservation information about these schools?  Emerson Houck’s book Hoosiers All discusses these schools.  If I can’t find any school song information about these schools, I will probably refer to his book.  Any help is appreciated.  Thank you.  Reta Williams

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